Alzheimer's disease health news Can poor sleep lead to Alzheimer's or dementia Lack of sleep linked to Alzheimer's disease Can poor sleep lead to Alzheimer's or dementia The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls that a “public health problem,” because disrupted sleep is associated with a higher risk of conditions including diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease.Top 5 Online CollegesWHAT IS A LAWYER?WHAT IS METASTATIC MESOTHELIOMA ?PROS AND CONS OF AN ONLINE COLLEGE'Japanese fungus' outbreak hits London hospitalsE cig risk campaign for youths draws praise, criticism to FDAWith Zika season here, spread via new dangerSteep Price Hikes Led to Drop in Use of 2 Heart Drugs at U S Hospitals twitter whatsapp pinterest linkedin tumblr line Email Copy the link Alzheimer's disease health news Lack of sleep public health problem structured settlement Latest articles from : Alzheimer's disease